Help your child thrive
with personalized autism support!
"My biggest wish for you is that you can start doing the things with your child that you dreamed about doing, before they got the autism diagnosis.

Grow with me on this healing journey,
eliminate your confusion and fears, and
start helping your child live the life they deserve!"

Dr. Theresa Lyons.

After spending thousands of dollars on various tests and working with several functional medicine doctors, I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck on how to help my complex son - until I got a second opinion from Dr Lyons, who finally provided me with a clear understanding and actionable steps to support his unique needs.

With Dr Lyons' guidance, I finally feel empowered to make progress and confident that I'm giving my son the best possible support.

She explains things in such an easy to understand way.
4 year old son with autism

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Receiving my daughter's autism diagnosis was overwhelming, but being a member of the Navigating AWEtism platform was a game-changer - it provided a clear roadmap for what we need to do with functional medicine, diet, and supplements, and helped me prioritize the most effective steps to support my daughter's health.

I actually have confidence in helping my daughter heal, without wasting precious time or resources on trial and error.

This is the best deal ever!!
3 year old daughter with autism

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© Navigating AWEtism