Navigating AWEtism:
You Need Answers.
We Can Help.

If you have a child on the autism spectrum, whether it’s a new diagnosis or not, it’s likely you are overwhelmed with information—and unsure about what sources to trust in accessing the best care and information to support your journey.

Navigating AWEtism is designed for you: a science and evidence-based platform that cuts through the noise, opinions, and anecdotal experiences to help you find the right path for your child - all based on the cutting-edge science.
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There Is So Much Information on Autism on The Internet.
How is This Platform Different?

Sure, there is a lot of good information on autism available. The issue is that by the time you are reading it, it’s likely outdated. The science and research behind autism are advancing daily, and what’s out there is not always applicable to your unique situation.

This platform was established to provide actionable strategies designed to move you forward in the autism journey.

Applying the AWEtism methodology will help you focus on what you can do and discover the most direct path to finding answers for you, your family, and your child.

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The Truth is Hopeful

37% of Those Diagnosed with Autism Lose Their Diagnosis (that's a good thing...imagine your child not needing any extra supports or therapies anymore)
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Despite this uplifting statistic, doing nothing only makes the problem worse. Early interventions have the best potential for success as children under ten learn for life—and that’s no different whether or not your child is on the spectrum.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to navigating autism. In most cases, it’s trial and error. Our platform can show you how to narrow the scope of what to focus on to support you in improving your child’s chances of living a happy, fulfilled, independent life in adulthood.

Who is this platform for?

Navigating AWEtism is for you if:

  • You have a child under 10 with a new ASD diagnosis
  • Your ASD child is not improving despite efforts and following medical advice
  • Your child’s symptoms seem to be getting worse, not better
  • Your child is not progressing at the same pace as their peers
  • Despite some positive changes, you don’t have a strategy or plan
  • You need expert guidance but are unsure who to trust
  • You are willing to learn and ready to take action
  • You are confused by the conflicting information you find on the internet

We Offer Unbiased, Scientific, And Evidence-Based Strategies, Not Opinions

This platform brings together cutting-edge science and a research-based framework, empowering you with the knowledge and tools to support your child in the best way possible.

Success looks different for every family but is based on your willingness to:
  • Master each step on the path to better health
  • Be open to dietary changes and supplementation (all based on science and your child's specific needs)
  • Understand that change does not happen overnight
  • Commit to the process wherever it takes you
  • Invest in lab testing and other diagnostic processes

We Are Here For You

We want you to know what works for one person with autism might not apply to another. Only by looking at the whole person can we truly understand their needs and challenges. Our team is here for you every step of the way, keeping you aligned to the goals and accountable to the process. 

Are You Ready to Take the Next Step In Your Autism Journey? 

Navigating AWEtism © 2025.